Meeting up with “Gays Who Garden” Andrew and Jared

November 15, 2021

I can’t remember when I started following @gayswhogarden on Instagram, but their alliterative, cheeky, and decidedly out username caught my eye, as did their beautiful images of soft-petaled roses, colorful Texas wildflowers, and glowing dahlias (in Austin — how??). We started chatting online, and in due course I invited myself over, as I do. They graciously humored me by actually inviting me — and another gardener, Cale, they’d also met online — to come see their East Austin garden.

And so on Saturday I met Andrew Ong and Jared Goza, the young couple behind @gayswhogarden. They are as adorable, friendly, and knowledgeable as their emoji-studded and encouraging Instagram posts read. As we walked around their garden, they shared the stories behind their plants and design decisions and gave a sense of how much has changed in only a few years by pulling up pics of the moonscape they inherited with the house.

In terms of their gardening passions, Andrew and Jared may be a case of opposites attract. Andrew loves roses and growing plants from seed, both of which require a good deal of fussing over. Jared (who goes by they/them) favors native Texas plants that thrive without much babying. Jared laid claim to the front yard and overhauled the formerly over-paved space with buffalograss, a non-thirsty native turf grass for full sun. First they tried to grow it from seed, but when that failed to take they had it sodded, and they painstakingly weed out sprigs of Bermudagrass that creep in.

The result is a shaggy native lawn that rarely requires water or mowing and looks terrific. Jared also tackled the hellstrip with water-sipping plants like black dalea (Dalea frutescens), gray globemallow (Sphaeralcea incana), flame acanthus (Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii), blackfoot daisy (Melampodium leucanthum), damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana), and more.

A scrim of black dalea, the tallest I’ve seen, sparkles with purple-and-white flowers that complement the house’s blue siding.

At the front porch, black-eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata), an annual, climbs a trellis next to a pretty rain chain.

The guys are into vertical gardening and filling every conceivable space with plants. Andrew built these raised planter boxes for the driveway and is growing flowers from seed for cutting.

He also came up with some unique string trellis designs and is starting to train vines up them.

In back it’s more of a party with exotic dahlias and bougainvillea and lots of roses. This is more Andrew’s domain, and he enjoys experimenting to see what he can get to grow here.

A lovely pink and ivory bougainvillea

A gap between the house and detached garage — formerly bare dirt — gave Andrew and Jared an opportunity to create an outdoor living space — mostly for plants but with a hanging chair for lounging too. A slat roof filters the sun but still allows light and rain, and string lights make it inviting at night.

Vines creep along string hung between porch posts, making a living wall, and pots line the walk space on both sides.

Hyacinth bean vine (Lablab purpureus), a beautiful annual vine that’s easy to grow from seed

Its purple-pink flowers add rich color to the fall garden.

In back, more of Andrew’s seedlings grow in trays on a dining table, surrounded by his collection of potted roses.

He favors the most wonderfully scented roses, and we were invited to sniff each one. Heavenly!

Tough native perennials grow here too, like fall aster (Aster oblongifolius).

And hardy near-natives, like Mexican bush sage (Salvia leucantha) and orange bells (Tecoma x ‘Orange Jubilee’).

In a partly sunny back corner, Jared and Andrew dug a small pond, where they grow native bog plants.

Koi came to greet us like dogs begging for a treat.

Cestrum, a flowering shrub I’ve meant to try for years. Despite its lovely golden-yellow flowers, Jared confessed it’s not one of their faves. It loses its leaves in winter, they pointed out, leaving the fence bare until spring.

Jared was much more enthused about native white mistflower (Ageratina havanensis), which is one of my autumn faves too.

Monarchs were flocking to it.

Andrew plants bluebonnets seedlings directly in the gravel paths, expanding his growing space and giving them the gritty soil and reflected heat they love. Until the spring blues arrive, a teal-blue Adirondack draws the eye.

Andrew joked (I think?) that he was using the chair to cover up one of Jared’s native shrubs, a spiny-leaved agarita (Mahonia trifoliolata) — not his favorite choice because of those poky leaves. Jared and I sang its praises as a native holly with blue-green leaves and pretty yellow flowers in late winter (which bees adore). Andrew just smiled and directed our attention to a native holly he prefers, red-berried yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria).

Andrew is serious about growing from seed. Shelves of seedlings have taken over one of the pathways, and he’ll have a bonanza of new plants come spring.

An oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) turning red and orange stands out against the slate-blue garage wall. In spring it’ll be decked out in fluffy panicles of white flowers.

Thanks for the tour, Jared and Andrew! I enjoyed meeting you both and seeing all the cool plants you’re growing. Readers, and especially newbie gardeners in Austin, follow @gayswhogarden on Instagram for lots of gardening inspiration.


Digging Deeper

Need design help with your yard? Hire me as your personal garden coach! Maybe you need replacement plant ideas after the big freeze. Or maybe your landscaping has grown tired, and you want fresh curb appeal. Or perhaps you’re ready to get rid of some lawn and create a pollinator garden, bird habitat, or hangout space for you and your friends. I’m here to help! Contact me to let me know what’s going on, and let’s figure it out together. My range is Austin and suburbs within a 25-min. drive of NW Austin, but I’m flexible and can travel farther with a surcharge, so let me know where you are. Weekday morning appts. only.

Come learn about gardening and design at Garden Spark! I organize in-person talks by inspiring designers, landscape architects, authors, and gardeners a few times a year in Austin. These are limited-attendance events that sell out quickly, so join the Garden Spark email list to be notified in advance; simply click this link and ask to be added. Season 8 kicks off in fall 2024. Stay tuned for more info!

All material © 2024 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

12 responses to “Meeting up with “Gays Who Garden” Andrew and Jared”

  1. Tim Thomas says:

    Love their garden. I have a similar agarita story. Every time I see one I try to sell Julie on it, yet despite rarely having strong plant opinions, she always responds with a firm, “No”.

  2. Serina says:

    Such a beautiful, creative space. Thank you for the tour!
    Can I ask how deep your pond is? Hoping to add a feature similar in my garden.

    • Pam/Digging says:

      If I remember right, they told me it was about two feet deep, with a hidey hole or two for the fish.

  3. Phillip says:

    Awesome, I will look them up on Instagram.

  4. Kris P says:

    The garden is wonderful and their division of labor clearly works! I wish I was as good at growing from seed as Andrew obviously is. I love the deck they created between the house and the garage. I admire the pond too but between our persistent drought and the dreadful raccoons, that’ll remain but a dream for me.

  5. peter schaar says:

    Great post, Pam! I love their garden. Side note: I finally got rid of my Cestrum parqui ‘Orange Peel’. Not only does it go deciduous at about 20F, but it doesn’t seem to support any local pollinators. In its place I planted a Senna corymbosa, which does support our pollinators. And my white mist flower not only does that but is intensely fragrant as a bonus, so I have three of them, now in full, fragrant bloom.

  6. Laura says:

    Two thumbs up on this garden. I love fragrant roses and native plants so the garden is a win-win for me. Glad to know Cestrum doesn’t attract pollinators (Peter Schaar mentions it above). I happen to love agarita and wish it would grow where I live but the soil here is acidic.

  7. Maggie C says:

    Looks like a fun garden, and fun guys! Andrew’s seed starting skills are impressive, and it’s always wonderful to see native plants for our wildlife. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Frances says:

    What a lovely garden! And I appreciate the blending of two styles so effectively. I’m going to try that white mistflower and maybe the hydrangea. I could practically smell the roses!

  9. That transformation of the gap between their house and garage – wow! Looks like heaven.

  10. Such a lovely post, Pam! I was pleased to see another gardener trying to grow roses here in Austin and I need that white mistflower in my life!

  11. […] for sharing your spring lovelies with me, Andrew and Jared! Readers, if you’d like to see my fall visit to their garden, click […]