Yet another Austin garden blogger

June 16, 2008

Check out Conscious Gardening when you have a chance. She’s gardening in the Crestview neighborhood in north-central Austin and blogging about her vegetable garden, her chickens, and living lightly on the earth.
By my count, Austin is up to 32 33 active garden bloggers now.
All material © 2006-2008 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Yet another Austin garden blogger”

  1. We here in Indianapolis, in fact the entire state of Indiana, will never catch up with Austin. Austin is the Garden Blogging Capital of the World! I’ll have to check out Conscious Gardening.
    But, just so you know, our high temperatures for the next five days will be in the upper 70’s, so we might not have time to read all the Austin blogs this week. Too much good weather and gardening time up here (now that it has stopped raining). 😛
    Oh, you’re too cruel, Carol. Taunting us with those daytime highs. That sounds like early spring weather to me, and how I miss it. 🙂 —Pam

  2. I love reading all the Austin blogs–thanks for sharing them. I wish I knew of blogs here in the Dallas area, but I haven’t come across any. Gardening is such a challenge in this heat–it hit 101 here yesterday! I don’t give up though–there are lots of beautiful plants that love this hot weather. It’s the gardener that’s wilted! : )
    Hi, Linda. Have you checked at Blotanical for garden blogs in Dallas? The map feature there will take you to all the garden blogs in a particular city or area. If you aren’t listed there, you might want to be. It’s a great way for readers to find bloggers gardening nearby. —Pam

  3. Want to go for 33, Pam?
    Crazy Billionaire is a vegetable gardening blog out of East Austin…and today Kelly posted about harvesting seven pounds of tomatoes, a melon and an eggplant….that kind of post might count as garden porn this summer.
    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
    How do you find them, Annie?! Thanks for letting me know about Kelly’s blog. I’ve added it to my master list. —Pam

  4. Iris says:

    Enjoying the Conscious Gardening and Crazy Billionaire (thanks, Annie) blogs. Thanks so much, Pam, for keeping us all updated!!
    You’re welcome, Iris. It’s amazing to watch our community bloom, isn’t it? —Pam

  5. I really enjoyed these two new web sites. Thanks for sharing.
    My pleasure, Laura. —Pam

  6. Randy says:

    My goodness! What vivid coneflowers! My Double Deckers just don’t seem that brilliant. Wow!
    I have a couple of different varieties, Randy, but this bunch is definitely the brightest. I only wish I knew their name. —Pam

  7. I think we have three total in the entire state of Oklahoma.~~Dee
    Well, Dee, your example will be sure to encourage more Oklahoma gardeners to start blogging. You make it look like fun—and it only gets more fun when you have locals to compare and share with. —Pam

  8. C’mon Pam, ‘fess up. What’s in the water down there? Y’all must be feeding your gardeners SOMETHING special to keep spreading all of this garden blogging around down there! You have an embarrassment of riches! 🙂
    You are right, Kim. It does feel like an embarrassment of riches, and I love it. A computer-literate community, a long growing season that encourages people to garden, a city that attracts and nurtures creative types, and an established group of garden bloggers is, I believe, the reason for so many Austin garden bloggers. —Pam

  9. This whole Austin blogging thingy is getting way out of hand. In fact, there should be a law against it. 😉 BTW there was a mini Scottish fling recently, will blog about it as soon as I have time. Here it’s a cool but nice 19 to 24 C. 😀
    I look forward to hearing more about your cool temperatures (I live vicariously these days) and the Scottish fling, YE. —Pam

  10. Vive says:

    Hi Pam,
    Can I add another blogger to the list? My fiance’s old friend Phil wrote to me awhile ago to say he’d started a garden blog, and he’s creative and interesting and has a very cool east side garden. He’s glad to be part of the club, so check him out —
    Hi, Vive. East-Side-Patch is already on my list and listed on my sidebar. I’ve been following Philip for a couple of months, and his garden looks very cool. Thanks for the note though! —Pam