‘Wilson’s Yellow’ says hello

May 25, 2007

‘Wilson’s Yellow’ is my showy yellow daylily. Its banana-yellow-and-rusty-red flowers splash pockets of bright color under the cedar elm in the back garden.

Yak, yak, yak. Don’t they look like two gossips who haven’t seen each other in a while?

‘Wilson’s Yellow’ complements the low-growing, red-flowering Texas betony. Behind the golden pot you can see purple heart and Turk’s cap coming on strong.

Texas betony contrasts beautifully with ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia

Texas betony sprawls in the rear of the garden too, amid irises, purple coneflower, and the bottle tree.

A stalk of Equisetum hyemale, also known as horsetail or scouring rush, leans out from the pond.

Water lily leaves in the rain. Since yesterday we’ve had one-and-a-half inches of rain, with more predicted all weekend. Bad for cookouts, but good for the garden. Yea!

‘Indigo Spires’ salvia finds a kindred spirit in a deep-blue pot.


Here’s one of the two cream-colored benches in my garden. Carol at May Dreams didn’t believe me when I confessed to having any subtle color in my garden, but here’s the proof.

A black-eyed Susan bud, like a present tied with colored string.

And here is the present unwrapped.

8 responses to “‘Wilson’s Yellow’ says hello”

  1. Carol says:

    I really, really need some of that rain. Really. And those two flowers do look like they are talking to one another, probably complaining about being water-logged! Your flowers are pretty as always.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens Where Rain is Needed Now, Really

    Carol, I wish I could send you a few of the thunderclouds on our horizon. Are you doing rain dances? Meanwhile, I’m loving our cool, rainy weather. —Pam

  2. Carol says:

    Oh, and I forgot to comment on the bench… I bought purple paint today to paint my garden bench… and we do have some storms coming this way. I feel like going outside to wait for them to make sure they know just how welcome they are!

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens, Where Soon Her Bench Will be Purple

    Can’t wait to see it! —Pam

  3. Layanee says:

    I love that black eyed susan bud almost better than the flower. Your daylilies do look like they are gossiping. Great photos, lovely garden!

    Thanks, Layanee. I still prefer the actual flowers, but the buds are pretty cool too. —Pam

  4. sanni says:

    Wow! I admire your pictures. Colours are something to look for. It´s nice to have some sun shine from the web, when it is very rainy Saturday morning here in southern Finland. I was thinking of gardening a lot today, but it seems that I can have a virtual garden travels around the world when its raining and (hope not) thundering outside 🙂

    Thanks, Sanni. Your pictures on your blog are lovely too. I hope you’re enjoying the rain in your garden as much as I am. —Pam

  5. I need rain too!!!

    The agave is beautiful and I love the bottle tree! I’d like to do something like that in my garden, but knowing it me, it would quickly degenerate into petunias growing out of old toilets.

    Thanks for visiting, Wicked Gardener. I’ve actually seen that toilet bowl/planter thing you mentioned. A local plumbing-supply store had one outside their front door for years. The plants always seemed to have a full flush of flowers. —Pam

  6. Pam says:

    Everything looks so beautiful – salvias are always a favorite, and the daylilies are so festive (I tend to not like alot of the fancier ones, especially the doubles and ones with ruffles – but these are very nice!). Oh, and I’ve started to collect blue bottles! You’ve motivated me.

    Pam, I look forward to seeing your interpretation of the bottle tree! You live in the bottle tree’s native habitat, after all. —Pam

  7. Susan says:

    Pam — I love that water lily picture. It looks like you may have had even more rain than we have (although it just poured down again this morning).

    Susan, we got an additional 2 1/2 inches in the last 24 hours. I’m loving it, and so is the garden. —Pam

  8. LostRoses says:

    Pam, I love this post, and your clever thoughts on the pictures. You’re very witty! Oh, and I remember the bottle tree, so glad to see another photo of it!