June 2004

June 09, 2004

‘Razzmatazz’ purple coneflower in full bloom

My mother gave me six bare-root ‘Razzmatazz’ purple coneflowers she’d ordered from a catalog nursery. Only two of them survived, but what fantastic double-flowering blooms! I’m anxious to see whether they will come back next spring and whether they will seed out like my other echinaceas do.

Purple coneflowers and courtyard circle

Here are generic purple coneflowers growing on the other side of the front garden. These cottage-garden classics bloom wonderfully all summer. This clump even blooms sporadically through the winter.

White gaura, Gulf muhly grass, & purple coneflowers under the vitex

Purple coneflowers, ‘Powis Castle’ artemesia, & ‘Goldsturm’ rudbeckia

Another view of the coneflowers with pink pavonia, or rock rose, in foreground

2 responses to “June 2004”

  1. Karee says:

    beautiful garden!

    Thanks so much, Karee! I’m happy you dropped by for a visit. —Pam

  2. Tammye says:

    Beautiful garden, I felt a sense of peace and calmness as I looked at your pictures. I’m a beginner gardener and this is my first year. I’m looking forward to making my home beautiful but afraid at the same time. You have given me great ideas and much inspiration.

    Congratulations on starting a garden, Tammye. It all begins with a patch of dirt, as my tagline says. Take it slowly, and enjoy the journey! —Pam