A new hairstyle
You may have noticed that my blog’s tagline is slightly different than before. When it was “Diary of a Central Austin Garden,” Zanthan Gardens politely suggested that our taglines were confusingly similar. As she was here first, I conceded. No doubt I had been influenced by her blog, when I titled mine, as I’ve been following hers for a couple of years.
My new tagline both broadens and narrows the focus: it’s now, more broadly, an Austin, not central Austin, garden; and, more narrowly, the diary of a gardener, not a garden (which probably makes more sense semantically). Something so trivial as a new tagline shouldn’t much matter to me, but it feels a little weird, like wearing a new style of clothes or getting a new hairstyle.
It’s also made me wonder whether title disputes regularly arise in blog-dom. If you’re like me, your blog’s title becomes a part of your identity. What happens when someone else appropriates it for their blog? Are these things copyrighted? Just wondering what the rules are, if any.
I’m not sure about rules on having the same blog name, Pam, but I did copyright the logo design from the Divas of the Dirt before I made the webpage. There are some Dirt Divas, including one group of female dirt bikers.
Zanthan came up on google searches a long time ago, so I have been reading M for ages, but I only discovered your lovely site a few months ago. I didn’t even notice the similar tags until you pointed it out…. in my mind you are “Pam’s photos” and “Zanthan”. That may say less about the tags, and more about my greed to get to the latest posting and picture!
Annie/Glinda from the Divas of the Dirt
I thought that it sounded familiar, but I never confused your blog with Zanthan.
I got an email from someone awhile back who informed me that they had decided to name their ranchette “prairie point.” They weren’t regular readers – just someone who thought of the name and did a search to see where else it was used.
Mostly I get confused with a quilt shop site in Missouri by the same name.