Amaryllis in bloom

December 21, 2007

The amaryllis (Hippeastrum ) I showed you in a recent post is blooming. The ivory trumpets with apple-green throats and petals streaked with cherry red brighten our table at mealtimes.

Serendipity—it even matches the screen door on the porch.
Unlike the red amaryllis I grew potted in soil last Christmas, I’m growing this $7 pot-and-bulb kit from Target in water. I threw out the stinky “soil” block that came in the kit. Instead I poured some decorative stones into the pot, placed the bulb and arranged more stones around the base to hold it upright, then filled the pot with water to cover the bottom third of the bulb. I’ve changed the water a few times to keep it fresh, and that’s it. As easy as pie.
All material © 2006-2007 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Amaryllis in bloom”

  1. Aiyana says:

    Just beautiful. I didn’t know about growing them in water. I’ll have to try that with my after-Christmas bargain amaryllis kits that I get for 50 cents each. That way, if it doesn’t work for me, not much is lost!
    Fifty cents is a bargain indeed. Those after-Xmas amaryllis will be relieved to be rescued from store shelves, won’t they? I find that amaryllis will grow just fine on store shelves in a kit with no water or sunlight! Those eager stems are already pushing against the lid when you buy them. —Pam

  2. Carol says:

    I think one of my amaryllis is that color, but I don’t remember for sure. They are just sitting there, seemingly not doing a thing. I should print the picture of your amaryllis, tape it to a stick, and stick that in my pot of amaryllis. Then I’d have an ‘amaryllis’ to brighten my holiday table!
    Carol, May Dreams Gardens (where I’m now thinking “amaryllis is a great Valentine’s day flower”)
    Yes, those stubborn amaryllis of yours need to get cracking. Don’t they know Christmas is just days away? Then again, Valentine flowers are always welcome. —Pam

  3. Frances says:

    Are you able to grow amaryllis in the ground there? Where we used to live north of Houston, it was a landscape perennial. I can’t get there to grow inside without them getting so tall they fall out of the vase.
    I put last year’s amaryllis in the ground, and it’s still green and growing, but I haven’t had a bloom since then. Maybe next spring. —Pam

  4. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    There are beautiful amaryllis popping up all around the blogosphere.
    I prefer them to poinsettias, don’t you? —Pam

  5. Robin says:

    Your amaryllis is lovely, I like the color. I have one that is going to bloom soon. When they start growing they really take off!
    Yes, they do—even in the kit boxes, I noticed. I look forward to seeing yours when it opens. —Pam

  6. Ooh, good idea. I am also growing an amaryllis. Mine is small still. Is started late. I did use the coir stuff. Did I spell that right? I’m tired, so maybe not. Anyway, it is working okay, but I think pebbles would be better. Perhaps next year. I also bought some paperwhites and crocus (with little crocus jars) at Stein Mart this week. I love the look of paperwhites, but not the smell. What was I thinking?
    It is hard to resist the beauty of paperwhites, even if they are a bit stinky. And crocuses. You’ll have a wonderful indoor garden when it’s all in bloom. —Pam

  7. pam says:

    Just starting gardening. Bought a summer amaryllis bulb planted it outdoors in houston end of Feb. it already bloomed (3). Only about 7″ high. Blooms lasted maybe 2 weeks. Now what do I do with it? Will it keep bloomin? Do I take it out of the pot? It is an area that faces south and get lots of sun. I really love them and want to take care of them…Pam
    Hi, Pam. Your amaryllis sounds great. I don’t really know much about keeping them going in the ground. I’ve planted two but haven’t gotten another bloom out of either of them, so you’re doing better than I am. Happy digging! —Pam