Garden turmoil

September 19, 2009

Gaillardia ‘Goblin’
Turmoil in the new-baby garden this weekend. My neighbor and I agreed to replace the falling-down fence between our properties, and yesterday the fence-building crew knocked down the old fence and set the new posts. Deer came nosing around the previously secure back garden at dusk, and I chased them off but worried all night about my roses and other plants tasty to deer. This morning everything seemed to be unnibbled, thankfully.

Evergreen sumac (Rhus virens)
Now the work crew is back, using a thrumming compressor and a pounding nail gun to put up the new fence. Oh, and did I mention that we’re having some friends over in just a few hours for a party in the back yard?
Sometimes the timing doesn’t work out like you planned.
Update at 10 pm: The fence crew was wonderfully efficient and got the new fence up before our guests arrived. They continued work in the neighbor’s yard, so the noise continued, but we did have privacy and deer-proofing again. Yea!
All material © 2006-2009 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Garden turmoil”

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I hope you have some peace and quiet this afternoon. Maybe the guys will get it finished by the time your guests arrive. Great Photos.

  2. MNGarden says:

    I admire busy people.

  3. Jenny says:

    Well, the good thing is that they didn’t abandon the job and leave you unfenced for days on end.

  4. Sally says:

    Please tell what kind of fence and it’s height that will keep the deer out? They love my roses.
    It’s a six-foot board fence with a two-foot lattice on top, Sally. The old six-foot board fence kept them out too. I know they could have gone over it, but they never did. —Pam

  5. kerri says:

    I can imagine your anxious night, Pam. So glad to hear the deer didn’t do any damage. What a blessing that the efficient fence crew finished in your yard before the guests arrived.
    Love the bright gaillaria. Those tiny flowers on the Sumac are pretty. Our wild Sumacs behind the barn (and all over the countryside) will have bright red leaves soon. Too soon for me!
    I hope you have a peaceful Sunday.

  6. Timing is of the essence, especially when building a new fence. Glad the fence was up in time and I hope you could make yourselves heard above all that building noise. 😉

  7. Jean says:

    Oh my, I can imagine you were a bit sleepless without that fence. Glad to hear you had efficient fence builders (a rare thing). Seeing that evergreen sumac takes me back to a trip to Utopia one fall. They were everywhere and so fragrant and buzzing with bees. Lovely.

  8. Caroline says:

    Congratulations on your new fence! Who was your crew, if you don’t mind me asking? I would love to put up a fence next year. Love your evergreen sumac flowers.
    I’ll send you his name via email, Caroline. —Pam

  9. Frances says:

    Oh good Pam. I was going to say something along the lines of this being one of life’s little jokes it likes to play on us, giving fodder for future stories full of laughs, but not so funny at the time. Glad all turned out for the best. 🙂

  10. How nice to have blanket flowers! The drought prevented most of ours. I’m hoping some will resurrect next spring…

  11. Sheila says:

    I lost a huge amount of rose buds on one night when our fence was being replaced! Makes me really appreciate my fences!

  12. Nancy Bond says:

    That Gaillardia is stunning! Love, love, love bright colours! Kudos on the new fence. 🙂

  13. Although our gardens are so very far away, we have the same situation with the deer. How lucky we are that the fence keeps them out of at least part of the garden. So many neighborhoods don’t allow fences, but I’m a big fan of them. I’m glad you’ve got yours repaired with only minimal disruptions.

  14. Mary Delle says:

    A new fence it nice. So glad you didn’t have any of your garden disturbed.

  15. Lola says:

    Wow, good timing. So glad your party was a good go.
    Now no worries about those deer tasting all the goodies.

  16. Cindy, MCOK says:

    Congrats on the new fence! I’m glad the deer stayed away and hope they will continue to do so. Love what you’ve been doing in the garden … I’m behind on reading posts and just now saw the washtub planters. Love ’em!

  17. james says:

    i guess the turmoil is now settled with the new fence in the garden.

  18. chuck b. says:

    We’ve had the utility company jackhammering the street and doing god knows what to upgrade the gas service. It’s been loud and noisy all summer.

  19. I’m always humbled by how quickly pros can work. It would take me a week of straight working to put up a fence.