Sunday visitor

November 18, 2007

On Sunday afternoon this yellow sulphur butterfly dropped by to visit a late-blooming Echinacea purpurea. Many other butterflies visited the shrubby white boneset, but I didn’t get photos. Maybe tomorrow.

Another look

0 responses to “Sunday visitor”

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Ooooooo Already these lovely summery yellows and pinks are really looking good to me. I already am feeling thatthat color deprivation that I feel during winter. Ha.. Winter hasn’t even begun. I will have to frequent your garden to get my color fix .
    When this sulphur landed on the purple coneflower, it was a color jolt to me too. I’m glad you enjoyed it as well. —Pam

  2. Kylee says:

    It wasn’t that long ago that I saw one flitting about in my garden here in chilly Ohio! (Like just last week!) I know the Monarchs can’t fly well in temperatures below 55° so these little yellow guys are pretty hardy! Beautiful photos!
    Thanks, Kylee. I didn’t see any monarchs yesterday either, but there were quite a few smaller butterflies, including some queens. —Pam

  3. What a great photo of the butterfly! It’s amazing that the edge of its wings
    matches the color of the coneflower petals. BTW I’ve tagged you for the 8 Random Things meme.
    Thank you, MMD. I noticed that color match too. Pretty neat!
    If I have time, I will do the meme, but don’t wait for me. 🙂 —Pam

  4. What a treat to see! And not just because of the butterfly, but all the great colors in that photo! Nice!
    ~Angela 🙂
    Sights like these make up a little for our lack of colorful foliage, Angela. Thanks for dropping by. —Pam

  5. Anna says:

    You have some absolutely stunning pictures here, so wonderful to see all this beauty in one place 🙂 Makes me long for spring!
    Ooh, not me. We finally have cooler weather after our hot summer, and I wouldn’t wish fall and winter away for anything. Spring comes soon enough in Austin. If you need a warm-weather fix, Anna, just drop by Digging anytime. —Pam