Green Corn Moon

August 28, 2007

I missed the lunar eclipse early this morning, but this is how the full moon looks tonight. Ah, la luna! It’s called Green Corn Moon this month, but also Sturgeon, Grain, or Red Moon.
Setting up the sprinkler in the garden this evening, I noticed a spotlight in the sky and looked up to see the full moon shining brightly. I decided to try out the nighttime capabilities of my new camera on a moon shot. I walked out to the sidewalk, plunked down in the dark, and steadied the camera on my knees. After several experiments with different settings, this is what I got. The clouds that were racing across the moon aren’t visible, but the moon itself is so crisp you can see the craters on its surface.

In the next photo, the moon seems to darken, but that’s the effect of the wispy clouds scudding across the sky.

More clouds. Wouldn’t this be a great Halloween moon?

Speaking of Halloween, here’s a creature that would be right at home on a witch’s hat.

0 responses to “Green Corn Moon”

  1. Jean says:

    Great shots of the moon……just beautiful. I think that new camera was a good choice.
    Thanks, Jean. I think so too. —Pam

  2. Janet says:

    Beautiful! I think I’ve been a “lurker” but these new photos, especially the esparanza are quite nice. Thanks for sharing.
    Janet, thanks for de-lurking. I appreciate your visit and your comment too. —Pam

  3. Apparently it didn’t take you very long to understand the new camera, Pam. Those are lovely photos.
    Where’s Cher’s grandfather and his pack of dogs? It’s time to howl at La Luna!
    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
    When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore! 😉 —Pam

  4. Carol says:

    Those are amazing pictures of the moon. I went outside last night and looked at that full moon, and snapped a few pictures, but they came out awful… mine are like crayon drawings compared to your masterpiece photos!
    Carol at May Dreams Gardens
    Thanks for the compliment, Carol. I like these shots, but if I’d gotten the shot I really wanted it would have had the moon plus the wispy clouds illuminated by it. I’ll keep trying! —Pam

  5. Layanee says:

    Pam: I have not even attempted night pictures with my camera and I have had it for a year and a half! Wonderful pictures and you are inspiring me to give it a try! It was cloudy here last night so the moon wasn’t visible but next time…September 26th we should all try moon shots!
    There’s a lot going on at night, Layanee. I’m surprised you haven’t been out there snapping away. I like your idea of a full-moon blogging night. Let’s do it! —Pam

  6. bill says:

    I tried to photograph the eclipse but my shots were awful. What settings did you use?
    I used the manual setting, Bill. It allowed me to focus sharply on the moon, though I sacrificed the clouds to do so. Before that I tried the auto setting, which gave me decent clouds, but the moon was so bright it was just a big fuzz ball. And the night setting was too blurry without a tripod. —-Pam

  7. Kim says:

    I’m in love with your new camera–awesome pictures!!!
    Thanks, Kim. I’m feeling pretty fond of my new toy too. —Pam

  8. Ki says:

    Really outstanding shots of the moon. I’ve tried to take photos of the moon especially when several of the planets were all lined up with the moon but the photos were just terrible.
    Thanks, Ki. Man, planets and moon all lined up would be an amazing shot ; I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I wish I hadn’t missed the lunar eclipse this time around. —Pam

  9. Julie says:

    Dear Pam,
    You’re hired!

  10. kate says:

    Great photographs of the moon, Pam! You are a talented photograph. I like the ‘Green Corn Moon’ name.
    Thanks. I always love the traditional names of the full moon. They give you a sense of how people lived and what they were attuned to at that time of year. —Pam

  11. Pam says:

    It’s the perfect Halloween moon! Nice shots.

  12. Pattie says:

    these are great, what camera do you have? I’m in the market for a new camera and this sounds promising.
    Patti, I use a Canon Powershot S3 IS. There are newer versions now, so if I were you I wouldn’t try to buy this camera. But in general the Canon Powershots have always been good cameras for me and easy to use. —Pam