Stuck on my stucco walls

October 01, 2014

I’m in love with the new walls.

They’re not even painted yet (the stucco has to cure for a few weeks first), and I love them.

I love their sturdy form and embracing curves.

Swoop! The culvert-pipe yucca is being moved, by the way. Man, it’s heavy. Three guys couldn’t move it, so I suggested they lay it down and roll it. We’ll see if that works on Friday.

Here’s the long view. The taller wall in the middle will be rusty red, I think.

I’m going to try a gray-green on the curved walls.

Like the color of the shed. The new limestone path makes me happy too.

Substantial new limestone steps lead down from the pool patio to the lower garden. New flagstones added to the mulched path lead around back of the pool. I’ve got a gorgeous black beautyberry on standby to fill that bare spot in front of the cast-iron plant.

Shout-out to Joe, Michael, and their hardworking crew at Corner Stone Construction Services for their quality work, responsiveness, and communication. There are a few finishing touches that remain, plus the painting that I’ll be doing, but it’s close to being done.

All material © 2006-2014 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

28 responses to “Stuck on my stucco walls”

  1. Jean says:

    They look fabulous! What’s this black beautyberry?? Never heard of that!

  2. Tina says:

    I looks great and it’ll only get better with the paint! Congrats to you and the hard-working team on a job well done!

  3. Jenn says:

    Nice work.

  4. Those walls look incredible! Everything looks so great. I can’t wait to see that rusty red!

  5. Jen Y says:

    It is beautiful! I love it.

  6. EXCITING!! What a great job. It does change the look of your space too. CAn’t wait to see COLOR on the walls.

  7. Jenny says:

    Looks as though you found a really good crew. Not only are the walls great but they were careful not to splash mortar everywhere. Looking forward to seeing the color and walking down your new pathways.

  8. It looks wonderful Pam and I can see why you love it!…beautiful!

  9. katina says:

    Geez, Pam. It’s going to be gorgeous. 🙂

  10. TexasDeb says:

    A whole lot of awesome already but I’m with everybody else – can’t wait to see what your colors are going to look like because you typically choose well and because, COLOR! It is hard to imagine any other single item in a space commanding the attention (in a supportive way) that a colored wall will. And so perfectly safe to have you doing it for me. I can show The Hub and if he likes it we are on the way and if not? No harm, no foul.

    PS – What is a black beauty-berry? Enquiring minds….

  11. For some reason, I just want to call this “delicious”! That path is gorgeous and I envy the spaces and crannies you carved out for new plants like the black beauty berry. Just saw one and it took all I had not to buy it. Can’t wait to see this with its new colors.

  12. I too can’t wait to see the colors you pick! And now it will be cool enjoy to enjoy being outside : )

  13. Looks great.

    Gray-green….kind of surprises me. I was thinking a Steve Martino yellow or orange or bright blue. But, you’ll pull it off perfectly.

    Looking forward to seeing the color and the plants you use to set it off.

    Your garden is ‘growing’ more and more good bones.

    • Pam/Digging says:

      Linda, my garden under the live oaks always leads me to more-natural colors. But in the sunny middle, where the taller wall sits, I’m feeling that rich rusty red. We’ll see. It’s only paint and can be changed if I don’t like it. —Pam

  14. Joyce in NM says:

    I love mine too. When they were building the house I told them no straight lines : )
    they did put some in the back but I love the curvy parts. I love your rock walls too, it will be a nice combo around your pool!

  15. Kris P says:

    I look forward to seeing everything painted (and wonder if you’ll fuss with the color as you go).

  16. The new walls really modernize and add definition to your backyard…with all that green, they actually look nice just gray! That said, I can only imagine them colored…wow.

  17. Audrey says:

    I have been thinking about painting part of my cedar fence for years ….not sure of my husband’s reaction, most likely not good. I dream of a bright blue fence near my sitting area with pops of green and yellow.

  18. ryan says:

    Those walls look great. I want to do a cannonball off the taller one. I love the limestone slabs too. We don’t get a ton of Texas limestone at the stoneyards in California, not sure why not. It looks great.

  19. Shirley says:

    The contrast in textures works great. I like the view from the back and the addition of color will be even better.