Two! Another screech owl chick at the door

May 18, 2014

All last week, we were treated to one screech owl chick at the door of the owl box. I knew another one was in there, though, and last night we finally got to see chick #2.

It’s obviously not any easier for owl siblings to share than it is for human siblings. Much jostling and bumping occurs at the doorway.

“I just want to see too!”

“Oh no, the paparazzi are out.”


Update 8:35 pm: I just spent 30 minutes watching our two screech owlets leave the nest! Mama Owl fed one of them a small snake on a tree branch below the owl box, and they did test flights from branch to branch for a while. And then they were gone. Aww! Our owl babies are all grown up!

All material © 2006-2014 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

19 responses to “Two! Another screech owl chick at the door”

  1. Alison says:

    They do seem to be looking a bit dopey. Maybe they’re not getting enough sleep.

  2. Shirley says:

    Adorable! Almost time for flying lessons.

  3. Meredith says:

    Oh, they are precious. I’m sure you are missing them! I wish we could watch ours from our window, but they are too far from the house — we have chairs stationed closer to the house and sometimes watch or photograph from there. Right now we’re seeing fuzzy tops of heads but nothing officially peeking out yet. Hopefully very soon!

  4. Amy says:

    Adorable! I need to build a nesting box. I think I got some plans via your blog last year. Time for another project!

  5. TexasDeb says:

    What a privilege to have witnessed the youngster’s leave-taking. A testament to both your persistence and the efforts you’ve made to productively share your spaces with “the locals”. I was absolutely thrilled to observe an owl flying overhead yesterday as I’d been wondering who the wrens were fussing over. The adults are as majestic in flight as the babies are adorable in their adolescent door squabbling.

  6. Indie says:

    Aw, so adorable! What fun to watch the process! Maybe someday, those little chicks will be raising a family of their own in your yard!

  7. paula says:

    What a crack-up! “What the heck’s going on outside our little box? Let me see, move over. Wait your turn. Scooch over, let me look.”

  8. Oh my so sweet! Will you put up more houses so you can accommodate the whole family next year?

    • Pam/Digging says:

      They are territorial, and I don’t know how wide that territory extends, Laurin. We probably won’t tinker with things since it’s working so well. But we do have trees on the other side of the yard and in front, so maybe we’ll look into it. —Pam

  9. I have an owl box ready to put up (for next season) and wondered how you hung yours from the tree – did you drill screws into the trunk or use some sort of strap system? It’s going up in a hackberry that some would be happy to get rid of, but I don’t want to injure it. Any tips appreciated.