Plant This: Queen Victoria agave

October 28, 2013

With chunky, triangular leaves iced in precise white lines, and with a tight, symmetrical rosette shape almost too perfect to be real, Queen Victoria agave (Agave victoriae-reginae) is as regal as its name suggests. This little agave is decidedly not queen-sized, however. In contrast to the SUV-sized agaves frequently grown in central Texas, Queen Victoria grows slowly — very slowly. Nor does it produce a bevy of prickly pups (baby agaves). Ruling in solitary splendor, it tops out at a diminutive 1 foot tall and wide.

Give her a throne! Because she stays so small and needs good drainage, Queen Victoria agave is best grown in a pot or raised bed, where you can enjoy her beauty without having to bow down. I bought mine about 10 years ago and have grown it in full sun and in bright shade, and it seems happy either way. Good drainage and spare watering are the key.

Online sources say it’s hardy to 10 or 15 degrees F, and mine has come through many hard freezes and the occasional ice storm uncovered and completely unscathed. In colder regions where it must be brought indoors, it’s still a good choice for a container due to its small size and portability.

So all hail the Queen! She’s sure to be victorious in your garden.

Note: My Plant This posts are written primarily for gardeners in central Texas. The plants I recommend are ones I’ve grown myself and have direct experience with. I wish I could provide more information about how these plants might perform in other parts of the country, but gardening knowledge is local. Consider checking your local online gardening forums to see if a particular plant might work in your region.



Both events are free, and I’ll be selling and signing copies of Lawn Gone! I’d love to see your friendly faces!

All material © 2006-2013 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

One response to “Plant This: Queen Victoria agave”

  1. I would have one of these If I didn’t have to bring it in during winter. Sigh…another beauty to admire from afar.

    But it’s so little, Lisa! Perfect for bringing indoors in the winter. I’m an agave pusher, I know. —Pam