Still waiting . . .

December 14, 2006

It’s been a week since I brought home this amaryllis, and I’m still waiting for it to reveal itself. The stalk has grown a few inches, and a split has appeared at the top of the bud, so it’s close. I feel a bit like a kid waiting impatiently for Christmas Day. Stay tuned . . .

0 responses to “Still waiting . . .”

  1. The waiting is the best part! Look how gorgeous it is now!

  2. LostRoses says:

    It doesn’t look like you’re going to have to wait much longer! I really like how you’ve potted it, how did you do the grass at the base? Is it from seed?
    I did it the easy way—I bought the whole arrangement from a nursery. But I’d guess that they did grow the rye grass from seed when they planted the amaryllis bulb. —Pam

  3. Need an update.
    I just got back into town from a week away. It’s blooming and looks great. I’ll post a picture tomorrow. —Pam

  4. pmo3ws says:

    How beautiful! Wanted to wish you a happy new year and see what all was going on at digging. Such beautiful photography!
    Thanks. Happy New Year to you too! —Pam