Twin fawns in the neighborhood

July 21, 2012

Each evening, two spotted fawns lounge or browse in my neighbors’ front lawns at the end of my street. Sometimes a slightly older fawn, still young enough to be spotted, joins them. Their mother leaves them to go browsing for dinner among neighborhood shrubs, and the fawns are quite brave about passing pedestrians. Cosmo, our new 4-year-old, poodle-mix rescue dog, they’re not so sure about.

All material © 2006-2012 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

14 responses to “Twin fawns in the neighborhood”

  1. jenny says:

    All three of them keeping cool their own way and alert!

  2. Julie says:

    What an adorable photo! I have such a soft spot for deer, even if they have been known to raid my veggie garden. Enjoy your sweet visitors!

  3. Jenn says:

    Cosmo looks super soft. Is he going to be a cuddlebum?

    He is SO soft, Jenn. Very cuddle-able. —Pam

  4. They are so innocent looking aren’t they?

    Yes, but you know they are just plotting which of your plants to munch next. —Pam

  5. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    Cosmo will keep them out of your garden. Cosmos is a cutie. So are the fawns. Too bad they grow up to be shrub/plant eating machines.

    Cosmo doesn’t have the run of the front yard, so the deer will just have to be deterred by careful planting. A fence keeps them out of the back. —Pam

  6. “Any new plants, Pam?”

    Exactly! “Muzzles off, you miscreants.” —Pam

  7. Aww… what a cutie! (Well, they’re all cute, but I was talking about Cosmo!) Congratulations on your family’s new addition. 🙂

    Thanks, Kim. He’s the cutest, isn’t he? 🙂 —Pam

  8. Your neighborhood looked urban to me, I’m surprised you have a herd growing up on your street. Know you’re glad to be deer-resistant in front and fenced in back!

    This IS an urban neighborhood, Kathleen, inside the Hwy 183/Loop 360/MoPac circuit. However, the neighborhood backs up to canyon greenbelts in several locations, and the deer are numerous and unafraid of people, lounging in lawns and browsing shrubbery in the mornings and evenings. Deer-resistant landscaping is a necessity. —Pam

  9. Yay you got a dog!!! He’s a super cutie…hope he turns out to be a good garden buddy.

    No digging so far, Loree. He’s only nibbled a few bamboo muhly grasses, which can definitely handle it. —Pam

  10. Indie says:

    Very cute! I’ve seen a buck strolling around in my neighborhood – thankfully they seem to be content with foraging on plants in the nearby woods as opposed to my garden so far (knock on wood).

    It sounds like you’ve chosen the right plants then, Indie. 🙂 —Pam

  11. Fawns are so cute, but then everything baby is cute, even opossums. As sweet as deer look, they are such garden terrors. Your sweet puppy has sure grown Pam. Hope things are going well on the book and in your design business. Austin is getting rain this year right?~~Dee

    Yes, thank goodness. This feels like the summers of old: hot and high humidity and afternoon thunderstorms from time to time. Austin is a much greener city this year. I hope OK is too. —Pam

  12. Bill Hopkins says:

    When I was a child I had a stuffed animal that was a dead ringer for Cosmo. He was usually in pretty much that same position.

    Maybe he’s like the Velveteen Rabbit, come to life after being well-loved by a boy. —Pam

  13. cheryl says:

    Just don’t let those does get to Cosmo. The fawns will run away but a doe will go after a dog until the fawns are older. My dog “gets” to have the run of our 2.5 acres about 9 months out of the year.. that month before and 2 months after the fawns are born, the doe will be quite aggressive towards the dog. During the “easy” months she will stand within a few feet of the dog and calmly chew her cud.

    I worry more about my children during fawning and rutting season, Cheryl, and for the same reason. —Pam