SXSWi Panel on Blogging and Community

February 20, 2011

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) Festival on a panel titled “Building Community in a Blogger-Eat-Blogger World,” on Sunday, March 13, at 3:30 pm.

Austin American-Statesman reporter and food blogger Addie Broyles (pictured at center) invited me to join her panel to talk about the value of creating off-line communities of bloggers and how to entice people away from their computers into real-world meet-ups. You can be sure I’ll talk about the genesis of the Garden Bloggers Fling in Austin and how the event has grown through the Chicago Fling and Buffalo Fling. And let’s not forget about the upcoming Seattle Fling, not to mention the monthly get-togethers of the Austin garden bloggers. We garden bloggers love our face time, don’t we?

My fellow panelists are, from left to right, Mando Rayo of Taco Journalism; Addie Broyles of Relish Austin; and Tolly Moseley of Austin Eavesdropper. We met over lunch recently to discuss our presentation, and the ideas and conversation were flying. Call me biased, but our panel discussion will zing with smart observations, passionate opinion, and humor. And I will do my best to represent garden bloggers as the active, connected, fascinating people we are!
If you’re planning to be at SXSWi I hope you’ll attend our panel and come say hello afterward. After all, it’s all about the real-life connections.
Building Community in a Blogger-Eat-Blogger World,” Sunday, March 13, 3:30 pm.
All material © 2006-2011 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “SXSWi Panel on Blogging and Community”

  1. VP says:

    Sounds like it’ll be a fab event Pam and I hope to hear more about the fun and insights you’ll have. We like our face time over the pond too – I’ve been to 2 meet ups this week – hurray! So good to get out into the real world and see blogging friends 🙂

  2. Carol says:

    I can think of no one to better represent the garden bloggers than you, Pam. Sounds like great fun and I wish I could be there to see it in person. I am return to Austin someday!

  3. Donna says:

    Pam this is such an honor and am glad you will be speaking. You truly are a wonderful representative of the garden bloggers and I hope you post about this more. I hope to be attending my first Meet Up this year. I was not a blogger last year when it was in Buffalo, but attending the events and seeing all the fun you guys were having is what got me started in blogging.

  4. David C says:

    That’s cool, Pam. I was going to kick off my sabbatical by splurging to attend SXSW, but could not turn down some recent projects. Would have been nice to surround myself with different types of creatives for a week, but not yet.