Deskbound view of the garden

January 13, 2011

I’ve been away from the garden lately, fortunate to be busy with design work just now, and feeling disinclined to venture into the cold, gray weather of the past week.

Here’s where I’m spending much of my time, at my drafting table, next to my shelves of gardening books, with a view of the upper patio, sheet-draped succulent planters, bottle tree, Moby (the ‘Whale’s Tongue’ agave), and yellow motel chairs. That’s as close as I’m getting to the garden right now.
How about you?
All material © 2006-2011 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Deskbound view of the garden”

  1. I don’t blame you at all – my garden looks a bit like that at the moment but with the addition of a vigorous colonisation of weeds.
    Oh, I’m pretending those don’t exist. It never works for long, but it makes me feel better for a while. —Pam

  2. David C says:

    Thanks for sharing where some of your mojo happens, when there is not BBQ and beer on your patio w/ friends!
    Looking forward to beer, BBQ, and patio weather again! —Pam

  3. Cindy, MCOK says:

    Pam, it’s chilly and gray here today. I’ve been out in the garden only to survey freeze damage and make sure the water district’s crew wasn’t invading my garden again! I hope my succulents atop the courtyard wall will be all right. I forgot to move them under cover.
    I hope they’re fine too, Cindy. I usually don’t cover my succulents for just under freezing temps. Did you stay in that range in Houston? —Pam

  4. Lovely workspace and lovely view.
    We’re chilly too. I’m going to take advantage of this month’s cool to clean up a couple of areas overrun with KR bluestem, cover with weed-cloth, newspapers and 4″ of mulch. Hope the KR roots die.
    The recent rains have given hope for my wildflower area. Late spring is better than no spring.
    Good luck with the King Ranch bluestem, Kathleen. Seems like a tough plant to eradicate. Yes, I’m glad for the rains too. —Pam

  5. Cyndy says:

    I’m outside in the garden, more or less against my will – the dogs don’t care if the wind is howling and the snow is falling – nature keeps calling :)Your work area looks nice and cozy for the dreary season.
    It’s pretty cozy, Cyndy, and it tends to be the warmest room in the house thanks to the electric office equipment. Hope you’re staying warm too. —Pam

  6. Mamaholt says:

    I walked over to Lowe’s today after yoga just to see what was happening in the garden area. Sooooo vacant. Just me and one other woman roaming roaming roaming. No good deals, unless you’re really, really into pansies.
    So sad! I drove by Shoal Creek Nursery today in that same wistful mood, but everything was covered up with sheets. We’re just going to have to wait for warmer weather. —Pam

  7. The only gardening I did today was to remove the remay row covers from the pots of willows and grasses and wildflowers I maintaining. Yesterday I worked on a brush pile for the birds.
    That sounds like enough work to keep you warm, Marilyn. —Pam

  8. Like you I have a seat at my desk (at home) that looks directly out at the garden – and all of its potential… It’s a wonder I get anything done for all the dreaming I do here. Do you ever find yourself focused on your garden when you mean to be working on something else?
    I do get focused on the garden sometimes, Kris, but mainly I stare out there when I’m thinking hard. The computer, just out of view in this picture, is a much bigger distraction. —Pam

  9. Cat says:

    Your work area is warm and cozy – very inviting during these cold dreary days. A clean out of my office was on the to-do list for January and now that it is all tidy I’m inspired to do some work in the bed right outside the window…a bird feeder and some water to start and then if time allows, a revamp of the bed itself! Oh, btw, love that you’re surrounded by books in your office – that’s the best feeling ever in my humble opinion 😉
    Books Do Furnish a Room! That was the name of a bookstore in Raleigh when we lived there, and it’s so true. —Pam

  10. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I would have to trudge through snow to get into my garden. Just waiting for a thaw.
    Hope one comes soon, Lisa. —Pam

  11. Well, I floundered around the yard this morning in a foot of snow, deeper in some places…took some photos, enjoyed the calm coolness of the morning, the art of the seedheads, the busy birds feeding…but that’s about all the gardening that happens in my world right now, except for indoors. That’s quite another story…
    Yes, I’ve seen your indoor garden pics, Jodi. That long Nova Scotian winter can’t slow you down! —Pam

  12. Sheila says:

    Pam, every time I see a Whale’s Tongue Agave I think of you and I saw two today so you were on my mind!
    How funny! Yes, it’s definitely the iconic plant of my gardens past and present. —Pam

  13. What a great looking workspace, Pam. Even in the dark and cold days of winter, I’m sure you can find inspiration there.
    I do, Kate! Thanks for your comment. —Pam

  14. Layanee says:

    I love your view and it is good to know that even Texas gardeners find refuge at the desk surrounded by work and good books. I think it would be fun to do a post ‘From the window’. When I get back home from FL, I will do just that! Fresh orange juice today!