Swan lake

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers! I thought a few restful images might be in order on such a busy cooking day. I saw these swans at Lady Bird Lake a few days ago, and they looked so peaceful.

Some ducks came around too to see if we were throwing bread in the water. We weren’t.

I think I may prefer ducks to swans. How about you? Or are we only thinking about turkey today?

Or maybe goose?

Even the graffiti was zen-like. Good advice for a busy holiday. Once you’ve gotten the feast to the table, I hope you have time to just breathe today. Unbutton your pants if that helps.
All material © 2006-2011 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

0 responses to “Swan lake”

  1. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I giggled because I am sitting here with my pants unbuttoned enjoying your post after a frenetic two days of cooking, a house full of people and now enjoying the first snow flurries of the season. What a day… I like the ducks better than the swans. These swans are an introduced species. While they are gorgeous animals I wish they had left them in their native lands. They put such pressure on our native swans. Oh well, They are a fact of life now. Happy Thanksgiving.
    I did not know that about the swans–interesting. Ducks are so pretty with their colorful or spotted plumage that I prefer them anyway. —Pam

  2. S. Fox says:

    Nice images to relax with and the end of a busy day. Ducks are good beggars, especially along the Riverwalk where they walk right up to your table and quack for their supper.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too.
    Hope you had a good one, S. Fox! —Pam

  3. Gretchen says:

    Thanks to you, Pam, for every day I read your posts. They are a welcome respite from the world of crazy.
    Thank you for such a nice comment, Gretchen! —Pam

  4. Les says:

    We were not “thinking” about turkey yesterday, but beer-butt chicken on the grill instead.
    Yum. —Pam

  5. Murf says:

    I have one word: Elastic.
    I love your pictures, Pam 🙂
    And we had brisket…Texas Thanksgiving!
    Sounds like a tasty alternative! Thanks for the kind comment, Murf. —Pam

  6. Layanee says:

    My mantra for Thanksgiving is ‘Serenity Now’ although I have a family which is pretty serene. It is just the frantic two day cooking marathon which is eaten in half an hour which I find exhausting but satisfying also. The peaceful image is welcome. Happy Thanksgiving a day late, dear Pam.
    Thanks, Layanee. I hope you had a peaceful weekend after the flurry of cooking. Some people move right into a flurry of Xmas shopping and decorating, but I prefer to take my time. —Pam

  7. Carol says:

    Good advice. I tried to breathe each time I arrived at one of my destinations yesterday and not think about the next destination. A bit of a whirlwind, but I made it, and I ate well, too.
    Eating well makes up for a lot of whirlwind, don’t you find? I hope you’re getting some down time now, Carol. —Pam

  8. Such beautiful clear photos–you do a great job. Carolyn
    Thanks so much, Carolyn! —Pam

  9. Chookie says:

    I hope you had a lovely day! (I find the Northern Hemisphere’s *white* swans a trifle mind-boggling: I see them at the Zoo!)
    Isn’t that funny? Of course Australia’s native birds are found in our zoos, and you certainly have some impressive ones. —Pam

  10. Katina says:

    I gotta say, i’m usually disappointed with the graffiti in this town (a lot of it is just black scrawlings that aren’t pretty), but the art on the train trestle is very nice.
    I thought so too, Katina. —Pam

  11. Gail says:

    Lovely images Pam~We have a small lake in one of the parks and it’s wall to wall Canada geese at this time of year! Beautiful creatures, but messy and loud! Delightful graffiti~gail