Read This: Dreamscapes by Claire Takacs
December 10, 2019 Claire Takacs has my dream job: she travels the world to photograph gardens. The Australian garden photographer known for her moody yet incandescent images of sunlight stretching long fingers over treetops and through stained-glass flowers and foliage published her first solo book last year, Dreamscapes: Inspiration and ...

Read about my garden in Country Gardens magazine
May 06, 2019 My garden is featured in a national gardening magazine, and I’m pretty excited about it! Grab the summer 2019 issue of Country Gardens (not just country gardens, y’all), turn to page 66, and you’ll find my article “Plant for Drought, Plan for Rain.” It’s about how I ...

Wildflower superbloom south of San Antonio
March 23, 2019 Is Texas experiencing a superbloom of wildflowers this spring? It’s certainly the best display I’ve seen since the epic flowering of 2010. Following a mild and wetter than normal winter, bluebonnets have burst into bloom several weeks early, turning roadsides and fields azure. Indian paintbrush have joined ...
Book Review Week: Texas gardening and Hill Country photography books
January 24, 2017 Texas gardeners and shutterbugs who enjoy photographing the beautiful Texas Hill Country will appreciate today’s book picks: Texas Month-by-Month Gardening by Robert “Skip” Richter and Photographing Austin, San Antonio & the Texas Hill Country by Laurence Parent. Let’s start with Texas gardening. Author Skip Richter is a ...

Instagramming my garden
February 19, 2016 I resisted joining Instagram for the longest time because it seemed like One More Thing to keep up with. But its huge popularity and my dawning recognition that it’s ideal for sharing gardening goodness (my mission statement, after all!) have convinced me to take the plunge. And ...

Evening photo shoot at The Huntington Gardens: GWA Pasadena
October 29, 2015 The Huntington gardens near Los Angeles have, for years, been on my wish list of botanical gardens to visit. So I was thrilled to see an afternoon visit and after-hours photoshoot offered on the itinerary of the Garden Writers Association symposium on September 20. Unfortunately, it was ...

Shooting a garden in Death Star light and a PhotoBotanic GIVEAWAY
September 10, 2015 Saxon Holt guest posts today!Acclaimed garden photographer Saxon Holt regularly shares his expertise and inspir- ational images on his blog and at Gardening Gone Wild, helping to educate the next generation of garden photographers, many of whom, like myself, are bloggers or Instagram sharers. In addition to ...

The Gardener of Good and Evil makes my garden look good
August 28, 2015 Water visually cools Pam’s back garden. Photo by Lori Daul. Although she claims both a halo and a pitchfork in her blog name, Lori Daul of The Gardener of Good and Evil is purely a force for good — or at least that’s what I believe after ...
Every picture tells a story, don’t it?
January 30, 2015 Poor grammar and all, Rod Stewart’s lyrics are in my head as I submit my entry for Gardening Gone Wild’s Picture This photo contest. Pro garden photographer Saxon Holt is judging, and he says he wants your best photo from 2014 that not only has “a strong ...
Gardens are for people, so put people in your garden photos
July 06, 2014 I’m heading to Portland, Oregon, soon for the 7th annual Garden Bloggers Fling and look forward to touring public and private gardens with 80 or so fellow bloggers. The only downside of touring with bloggers is that we all get in each other’s shots as we snap ...
A year in photos: So long, 2013
December 31, 2013 Last year I had fun selecting my 10 favorite photos from 2012, an annual meme led by Les at A Tidewater Gardener. So here I am again, sitting at my computer in stretchy pants and a cuddly cardigan, with the spicy scent of a baking pumpkin pie ...

Filling the frame with Saxon Holt: San Francisco Garden Bloggers Fling
July 19, 2013 The 2nd day of the San Francisco Garden Bloggers Fling opened with an optional photography workshop with professional garden photographer Saxon Holt at San Francisco Botanical Garden. While participants arose early, we still did not arrive at the magical “golden hour” of sunrise, and by 8:30 a.m ...
My favorite photos from Digging in 2012
January 02, 2013 Les at A Tidewater Gardener, an excellent nature photographer, always ends the year with a look back at his favorite photos from the year, and he invites other bloggers to do the same. Without further ado, here are my favorites from 2012. The first two happen to ...
Seeing the garden anew through a photograph
January 01, 2013 I included this photo in my upcoming book, Lawn Gone!, to illustrate how a simple water feature like a stock-tank pond can be used in place of lawn. This is the main focal point of my back garden, formerly a nondescript swath of St. Augustine. My 16-year-old ...
What garden blogging means to me, & my favorite images from 2011
January 01, 2012 Do you ever think about what a garden blog requires? Entertaining and informative writing, arresting images, and, for fodder, all those hours spent gardening or visiting other gardens. Keeping a garden blog “fed” regularly is like working a part-time job—for free. It’s also, of course, a creative ...
Fill the Frame: Gardening Gone Wild’s photo contest
October 22, 2011 Saxon Holt, judge of this month’s photo contest at Gardening Gone Wild, says to tell a story with your photo, including no more and no less than what’s needed to convey that story. October’s theme for the contest is “Fill the Frame,” and this is my entry, ...