Still blogging decades later: 9 longtime garden bloggers explain why
March 18, 2025 Heading into my 20th year of blogging, I’m still here. Hello, y’all! February 14th marked Digging’s 19th blogiversary. I’ve outlasted many of my early garden blogging peers, although most of them are still gardening, of course, and posting on apps like Instagram. But long-form sharing no longer ...

Trouble reading Digging? Try clearing your cache
December 12, 2024 A reader told me today that she was having difficulty reading Digging in the Safari browser. My blog posts were loading glitchy and jumpy, she said. I advised clearing the cache on her device. She did, and — presto! — the problem went away. So I want ...

Love letter to Puget Sound Fling, starting with Halstead-Robinson Garden
July 28, 2024 Every year since 2008, I’ve been lucky enough to attend the annual Garden Fling, a gathering of bloggers, Instagrammers, YouTubers, and other gardeners on social media, held in a different city each year, where for 3-1/2 days we tour gardens, socialize, get a flavor for a new ...

Digging is 18 years old, and new book news!
February 20, 2024 Last week I celebrated two milestones. Digging turned 18 years old on Valentine’s Day, which means the blog is a full-fledged adult now. Still can’t drink though. I’m amazed by how long blogging has continued to interest me, even as so many other blogs that started around ...

Stoneleigh native-plant estate garden and Flingers
November 02, 2023 Our banquet dinner at the Philadelphia Area Fling was held in the grand old Tudor Revival mansion at Stoneleigh: A Natural Garden, located in Villanova, Pennsylvania. Before dinner, we were set loose in the garden to explore for an hour. Let’s start with the house garden, where ...

Not seeing my photos?
June 19, 2023 If you see an empty white box with a blue question mark where my photos should be, you’re not alone. Subscribers to Digging who read my emails on an iPhone, iPad, or other Apple product may be able to see my text but not my photos. No ...

Late-winter flora and fauna on my 17th blogiversary
February 14, 2023 ‘Fireworks’ gomphrena gone to seed On Valentine’s Day 2006 I hit publish for my very first blog post. Back then I saw blogging as a way to document my garden through the seasons and to join the online conversation about gardening in Austin. Boy, was it ever! ...

Do you share gardening online? Garden Bloggers Fling is for you!
March 10, 2022 Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison Regular readers know that I’ve been involved with the annual Garden Bloggers Fling — a 3-1/2-day meetup and garden tour hosted by local bloggers in a different city each year — since its debut in Austin in 2008. After a 2-year hiatus ...

I’ve changed Digging’s email service
July 01, 2021 If you subscribe to Digging, you’ll notice that I’m using a new email delivery service. My updates from Digging will now arrive in your inbox from a follow.it address, and you’ll be asked if you’d like to continue subscribing, which I hope you will. I’ve received some ...

An icy garden on my 15th blogiversary
February 14, 2021 I started this blog 15 years ago today, a Valentine’s Day treat to myself as I joined the online gardening community. At first Digging was all about documenting and sharing photos of my Austin cottage garden, which I left behind 13 years ago when we moved to ...

Bloggers, let’s go to Madison Garden Bloggers Fling
January 15, 2020 Garden bloggers, mark your calendars for June 18-21, and join me in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin, for the 13th annual Garden Bloggers Fling. Three days of garden tours include diverse private gardens — prairie gardens, an Asian-style garden by Linda Brazill and Mark Golbach of Each Little World ...

Party under the willow tree in Judy Seaborn’s garden: Denver Garden Bloggers Fling
July 13, 2019 Grandmother Willow offers sage advice in Pocahontas. Old Man Willow terrorizes the hobbits in The Lord of the Rings. The Whomping Willow bashes the unwary and guards a secret passageway in the Harry Potter series. Why does the willow figure so prominently in our cultural mythology? Perhaps ...

Welcome to Colorado and High Plains Environmental Center: Denver Garden Bloggers Fling
June 23, 2019 Just two hours away by plane but a mile high in altitude, Denver is a world away from subtropical Austin thanks to its short growing season (freezes can occur as late as June and as early as September), low humidity (ahhh!), and aridity (just 15 inches of ...

On podcast Cultivating Place, talking about Garden Bloggers Fling and finding community
March 08, 2019 Garden bloggers have been meeting up and touring gardens with Garden Bloggers Fling for more than a decade. Today I’m interviewed along with Judy Seaborn, organizer of this year’s Fling in Denver, by Jennifer Jewell on the podcast Cultivating Place about what the Fling means to those of us who ...

Bloggers, let’s tour mile-high gardens at Denver Garden Bloggers Fling
January 18, 2019 Garden Bloggers Fling, the annual meetup and 3-1/2-day garden tour for garden bloggers, will be hosted a mile above sea level this summer in exciting Denver, Colorado! The tour dates are June 13-16, and registration opened today. Because the event has a limited number of spots, I ...

Bloggers soaked up Austin at Garden Bloggers Fling
May 11, 2018 For 11 years I’ve traveled to cities around North America to attend Garden Bloggers Fling, and I’ve helped organize two Flings held in Austin — in and again last weekend. Normally I take hundreds of pictures of the gardens I visit. (Go to Categories in my sidebar ...