Anemones and autumn memories in Cat's garden

Anemones and autumn memories in Cat’s garden

January 12, 2022 Back in late October, when Loree of Danger Garden was visiting, Cat Jones invited us over for a garden visit. Her lipstick-pink anemones, a passalong from Rock Rose‘s Jenny Stocker (who’s since departed Austin for Arizona), were blooming. We both adore these fall flowers, which Jenny kindly ...
LongHouse Reserve weaves gardens and sculpture: Dune path, pavilion, and tropical rill

LongHouse Reserve weaves gardens and sculpture: Dune path, pavilion, and tropical rill

January 06, 2022 My visit to LongHouse Reserve on October 10, a cool, drizzly afternoon, was almost an afterthought. I’d detoured through the Hamptons on my Northeastern road trip largely to visit Madoo, garden of the late artist Robert Dash. With two days to fill in the Hamptons I did ...
Mad about Madoo: The secret garden, potager, and ginkgo grove

Mad about Madoo: The secret garden, potager, and ginkgo grove

December 22, 2021 I’d driven out to the Hamptons — a Long Island, NY, detour on my October road trip from Maine to Virginia — mainly to see one garden: Madoo. The name itself is an endearment, taken from a Scottish dialect in which ma doo means my dove or ...
Looking inward at Innisfree Garden, part 2

Looking inward at Innisfree Garden, part 2

December 10, 2021 Today I’m continuing with part 2 of my tour of Innisfree, a public garden in New York’s Hudson Valley. Inspired by Chinese strolling gardens, the naturalistic garden rambles around a glacial lake, with small “cup gardens” to discover along the way. Click here to read part 1 ...
Fill up your cup at Innisfree Garden, part 1

Fill up your cup at Innisfree Garden, part 1

December 08, 2021 “Pam, I hope you are planning a visit to Innisfree, the world’s greatest underrated and too little known garden.” So messaged James Golden of Federal Twist after I’d asked if I might visit his own increasingly well-known garden while on my Northeast road trip in October. As ...
A collected home with heart at Via Libre garden

A collected home with heart at Via Libre garden

December 03, 2021 Known in Abilene for their extensive gardens, designer and artist Cynthia Williams Deegan and her husband, Bobby, picked up and moved to Austin in 2013 to be near their children and grandchildren. Austin has grown more enchanting as a result. As I’ve written previously, Cynthia and Bobby ...
The yellow glow of late fall

The yellow glow of late fall

December 02, 2021 Cool, blue-sky weather has me spending more time in the garden, having friends over, and tinkering with planting beds. It’s kind of glowing out there. Why? Yellow is the color of fall in my garden, starting with the wonderful forsythia sage (Salvia madrensis), which lights up the ...
Autumn asters, garden rooms in Michael Gordon's New Hampshire garden

Autumn asters, garden rooms in Michael Gordon’s New Hampshire garden

November 29, 2021 Michael Gordon’s garden in early October is aster-licious Through phone interviews for magazine assignments, I’ve gotten to “know” many interesting gardeners around the country. One of these is Michael Gordon of Peterborough, New Hampshire, whose garden I wrote about for Country Gardens in 2019. An optometrist by ...
Trolls, grasses, and a storybook children's garden at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

Trolls, grasses, and a storybook children’s garden at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

November 03, 2021 We traveled north in early October to enjoy fall foliage in New Hampshire, stopping first in Maine for a couple of days. A garden on my must-see list: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, a 300-acre public garden in Boothbay. Here’s part 2 of my visit; click here for ...
Betty Ford Alpine Gardens grows high in the Rockies

Betty Ford Alpine Gardens grows high in the Rockies

August 05, 2021 At 8,200 feet above sea level, Betty Ford Alpine Gardens in Vail, Colorado, claims bragging rights as the highest botanical garden in North America. It’s named, of course, in honor of the former first lady, who along with her husband, former President Gerald Ford, was a beloved ...
Pretty native plants and fountain at Cat's garden

Pretty native plants and fountain at Cat’s garden

July 20, 2021 At my friend Cat‘s garden one afternoon, I was stopped in my tracks by this pretty vignette: a bubbling fountain with a plucked orange flower catching the ripples, and ballerina-skirted purple coneflowers dancing behind it. Cat is so good at creating eye-catching moments like this. She teases ...
Playing at revamped Kingsbury Commons in Pease Park

Playing at revamped Kingsbury Commons in Pease Park

July 12, 2021 I recently rounded up the family to explore the newly redesigned section of Austin’s Pease Park known as Kingsbury Commons. The biggest draw for me was seeing the Treehouse, a rusty orb of rebar and steel beams — less a treehouse than a giant ball of pollen! ...
Tour of P. Allen Smith's Moss Mountain Farm: Terrace Garden and Sister Oak

Tour of P. Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm: Terrace Garden and Sister Oak

July 07, 2021 After St. Louis, Mom and I headed back to Texas via Little Rock, Arkansas. On the morning of June 17th, we wound our way into the hills northwest of the city and joined 80 others with a reservation for lunch and a tour of Moss Mountain Farm, ...
Exploring the Children's Garden: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 5

Exploring the Children’s Garden: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 5

June 30, 2021 After being closed for a year due to the pandemic, the Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden had recently reopened when I visited Missouri Botanical Garden earlier this month, and the kids were clearly loving it. The splash pad was the hot spot, with water jets popping up ...
Seiwa-en, a serene Japanese strolling garden: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 3

Seiwa-en, a serene Japanese strolling garden: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 3

June 25, 2021 A week ago I road-tripped to St. Louis to visit Missouri Botanical Garden. At its far end I found the acclaimed Japanese Garden Seiwa-en, a 14-acre strolling garden built around a curving lake, with naturalistic but carefully composed views. Quite the contrast with the colorful, geometric, and ...
Climatron tropical house, origami sculpture, and more: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 1

Climatron tropical house, origami sculpture, and more: Missouri Botanical Garden, part 1

June 22, 2021 A week ago today I road-tripped with my mom through Arkansas up to St. Louis to visit Missouri Botanical Garden, which I’d long wanted to see. I’d always thought of St. Louis as being not that far away from Austin. After all, Missouri is part of the ...